At this moment in time of remembrance, love and strong feeling and emotion for my Father, it feels very much an apt and felicitous time to also share with the world that in 4 months from tomorrow (dependant upon this little ones preference! ) on the 19th March 2019, another grand yet small little being will be making their appearance here on earth and in my life!! already I feel their small yet grand spirit rushing through in streaming words and dancing feelings…..
“A tiny little being has flown down to be with me…
streaming like a shooting star, twirling and swirling alongside my soul.
In a dippy wondrous way burrowed deep within my spiral. Little being gently grows the essence of this spirit knows.
I feel an increased tingling almost liken to a jingling. Consistently a smile is kissed upon my lips,
the light of such a being to fly with me and dip through the many twists and turns of life’s delight
The timbre of the music, the adventure of this flight.
Little though you seem right now… but grand is your being beamed.
I cannot wait to meet you here… that much now is bouncingly clear, with smiles and a crystal tear.
Wondrous being oh so near. ”
-Kachina Aimee 19 Nov 2018
#expectingababy #soexcited #specialmoments #loveyoudaddy#wishyouwerehere #grandlittlebeing #joyous #creation #magical #wonder#music #dancing #words