The inside of me sees the inside of you
The nuance and colours and greatness you grew
If you watch me you’ll see that I fly and I flew
And deep in my core there’s a wisdom that knew
The truth of this world
How it’s woven in magic
That’s why I’m so wide eyed
Some days it still astonishes the very essence of me
How I am just you and you are just me
Imagine if all knew this truth how we’d be
Flapping and spinning and writing with glee
Singing and ringing and bouncing around
Making cosmic star magic with the bounds of our sounds
So open your eyes nice and wide like mine are
Look with your heart don’t you see that big star
That big star is you and that big star is me
It’s why I do hop up and down gleefully
For hopping with sprite is the thing I do best
And on this fine eve of earth I do jest
That now it is time for the mightiest of quests
Where shall we venture why that’s up to you!
As long as we fly there I’m as happy as new
New beginnings, stories and endings do grow
In a land where imagination grows as you sow
Each little dream each starlit some seed
In the sweet earth just some love she will need
Then ready one day when you do least expect it
She’ll spring from the ground with the richest of sounds
Glowing with shimmery stardust wings
Her silvery voice it sighs and sings
A melody woven from twinkling stars
A harp like radiant stringing sound
Deep within my soul resounds
A stirring twinkle of ever light
And up it shines so light so bright
To my inner stars delight!
January 31, 2017 @ 4:43 am
Absolutely magical, enchanting, whimsical and I love it. It makes me smile, my heart is lifted my being transported along with your words of light. Thank you so much Kachina!